Prophetic Name Tags
3 days ago
Welcome to NTGeeks, the blog spot of Greg Carey, Professor of New Testament at Lancaster Theological Seminary and Scholar in Residence at Lancaster's Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity. This spot features discussion on a variety of topics related to biblical studies and the life of faith, including some guest spots. We try to keep the conversation timely and relevant.
Congratulations! Just curious (I don't subscribe to The Christian Century---wish they had a subscription for online access), what are the other nine book recommendations?
Dale Allison, The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus. One of my favorite books.
Richard Bauckham and Carl Mosser, eds., The Gospel of John and Christian Theology. I'm currently reviewing a previous volume on Hebrews.
Victor Paul Furnish's updated Moral Teaching of Paul.
Susan Garrett, No Ordinary Angel: Celestian Spirits and Christian Claims about Jesus.
Alan Jacobs, Original Sin: A Cultural History.
Judith Lieu, 1, 2, and 3 John. Old Testament Library.
Joel Marcus, Mark 9-16. Anchor.
Brian Blount, Revelation. New Testament Library.
Robert Kugler and Patrick Hartin, An Introduction to the Bible.
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